Robomongo tutorial mac
Robomongo tutorial mac

robomongo tutorial mac

This tutorial will give you great understanding on MongoDB concepts needed to create and deploy a highly scalable and performance-oriented database. By default, Laragon will get the links on C:\laragon\usr\packages. MongoDB is an open-source document database and leading NoSQL database. Before Node, Javascript was only executed in browsers. MongoDB Tutorial - Day 3 (Performance - Indexing) In the first part and as we are new to MongoDB and No-SQL, I would like to start with the definition of No-SQL.

robomongo tutorial mac

V8 compiles Javascript code to native machine code. Below are the links to all the three parts: Mongo DB Tutorial and Mapping of SQL and Mongo DB Query. It’s built on the Google V8 Javascript engine, which is the execution engine for Google Chrome and is extremely fast. Now click on Add button to add secure tunnel configuration to the session. Node is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for executing Javascript code. Along with put, there are multiple options for deleting, viewing in the form. The put does the insertion job, while database name and file names are destination and source. The above syntax will insert a file into a database.

robomongo tutorial mac

mongofiles -d database-name put filename. You can edit the Configuration file ( Menu > Tools > Quick add) and update the download links for your needs. If you want to access Rockmongo on Windows then follow these steps: In the ConnectionSSHTunnels section, add the following values: Source port: 8888 and Destination: localhost:80. Given below is the standard syntax for inserting a simple file in GridFS.

  • You can add these packages to Laragon with 1-click: php, apache, phpmyadmin, git, mariadb, mysql, node, yarn, mongodb, robomongo, code, python, sublime, postgresql, go, liteide, ruby, java, eclipse.
  • Quick add feature helps you add packages (other database system or programming languages) to Laragon effortlessly.

    Robomongo tutorial mac